SALVAGE(サルベージ) のバックアップ(No.8)
交易商品「SALVAGE(サルベージ)」商品個別詳細データ 目次
サルベージ品は大抵『System Signal Sources』で発見され、一般的に(破壊や海賊行為被害にあった)他の艦船由来である。 個別商品情報
AI Relics(AI遺物)
・ゲーム内解説:A collection of highly illegal AI remnants. These items are of extreme interest to various shady organisations and remote cults. Their almost mythical status has led to a huge amount of counterfeiting, further inflating the value of items with a clear and proven history. It is uncertain whether any of these pieces actually retain the AI personality that was originally present within. ※ALERT: AI Relics are illegal in most systems.
Ancient Artifacts(古代の遺物)
・ゲーム内解説:Highly prized by collectors, the movement of recovered artefacts is strictly controlled by a number of authorities around the galaxy. Fortunately a lucrative black market offers savvy explorers with means to find reliable buyers for any ancient treasures. ※ALERT: Ancient Artefacts are illegal in most systems.
Black Box(暗証の掛かったフライト・コンピュータ)
・ゲーム内解説:Tha flight computer from a destroyed ship.Recovered flight computers can offer details on the movements and intentions of ships before meeting their demise.Taking a black box from the scene of an accident is frowned on by authorities,but can offer lucrative profits on the blach market. ※ALERT: Black Boxes are illegal in most systems.
Experimental Chemicals(実験段階の化学物質)
・ゲーム内解説:Often dangerous and corrosive in nature, experimental chemicals are often created for research and scientific purposes. In the wrong hands they can be turned into dangerous weapons, so trade is strictly controlled. A thriving black market trade has proved difficult to control for authorities. Large Survey Data Cache(大規模踏査データキャッシュ)
・ゲーム内解説:Occasionally survey ships go missing during their journeys into the black. On even rarer occasions their cache of survey data can be retrieved and these are highly sought after by institutions and private interests.
Military Plans(軍事作戦計画書)
・ゲーム内解説:Highly confidential documents detailing military movements and military strategy. Possession of such documents is highly illegal, due to their sensitive nature. For the same reason they fetch a large sum to the right seller on the black market. ※ALERT: Military Plans are illegal in most systems.
Occupied CryoPod(占有Cryoポッド)
・ゲーム内解説:CryoPods use the standard cargo canister template and provide the necessary cryogenic environment to store a single human being in hibernation for many years.
Occupied Escape Pod(占有脱出ポッド)
・ゲーム内解説:Escape pods are typically made from composite materials designed to withstand extremes of temperature and pressure, and can protect a single occupant in the event of ship destruction.
Prototype Tech(試作的技術)
・ゲーム内解説:The latest developments in experimental technology are jealously guarded by the galaxy's various corporations, and unsanctioned possession of prototype tech is severely punished. However, pilots have discovered there is a prospering black market for stolen tech. ※ALERT: Prototype Tech is illegal in most systems.
Rare Artwork(希少な工芸品)
・ゲーム内解説:Prized and treasured works of art. The galaxy is rife with reproductions and forgeries, and trade in the genuine articles is highly controlled, with pieces transported between owners in secure convoys. Occasionally pieces find their way onto the black market, selling for under-the-counter prices.
Rebel Transmissions(反乱軍の発信機)
・ゲーム内解説:Transcripts of communications between dissident groups. These documents are highly valued by a number of factions for the intelligence they contain. It is considered highly suspicious to be carrying them, but black market trade in data will always flow. ※ALERT: Rebel Transmissions is illegal in most systems.
Sap 8 Core Container(Sap 8型コアコンテナ)
・ゲーム内解説:This container holds a crystalline shard of unknown origin. Scans indicate that the foot long shard is suspended inside a modified, self-sustaining, fusion-core containment field. Any breach of the field will result in the containers destruction.
Technical Blueprints(技術的な設計図)
・ゲーム内解説:Blueprints of a patented new machinery and systems that are highly prized on the black market. Copyright theft is frowned upon by the authorities and those carrying illegally acquired blueprints can face extreme application of the law. ※ALERT: Technical Blueprints is illegal in most systems.
Trade Data(取引データ)
・ゲーム内解説:The trade manifest data for a ship that met its end nearby. The information contained within can be extremely useful to unscrupulous individuals and fetches a good price on the black market. However, illegal salvage is punishable by law. ※ALERT: Trade Data is illegal in most systems.
Unknown Artefact(正体不明の遺物)
・ゲーム内解説:Only recently discovered, these mysterious artefacts currently have no designation. Despite much conjecture as to the nature of these objects, it appears that the scientific community is unwilling or unable to openly identify the artefacts' origins. Such mystery only serves to make these objects more widely sought after by wealthy individuals and organisations alike, no matter that their unidentified status automatically prohibits them form being sold on any legal market.