Elite:Dangerous Japan Wiki
> METALS(金属)
***Palladium(パラジウム) [#vd59b69f] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/CIhmYWS.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|13,527 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Extraction| |消費ステーションタイプ|・下記を除く全て&br;Agricultural&br;Refinery&br;Extraction&br;Military| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Palladium, PD, 46. Often used in electronics and for purifying noxious gasses.
交易商品「METALS(金属)」商品個別詳細データ #contents *商品ジャンル情報 [#n71a9c80] -名称 METALS(金属) -ゲーム内マーケット共通アイコン &ref(http://i.imgur.com/9kcFWQu.png); **個別商品情報 [#va736283] ***Aluminium(アルミニウム) [#kb0616a1] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/HwbOrv1.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|412 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|Industrial&br;Military| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Aluminium, Al, atomic number 13. Melting point 933K. A silvery-white ductile metal that is regularly used by many industries in alloys for its lightness and strength. ***Bismuth(ビスマス) [#l6236deb] //&ref(http://i.imgur.com/mJSTDtr.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|2,531 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery&br;(地表面)| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Bismuth, Bi, atomic number 83. Melting point 545K. is a pentavalent post-transition often used fror medicines and specialist alloys. It is sometimes used in used in [sic] pharmaceuticals. -Synthetic reagents is a new commodity introduced in the v1.5 [[ships update]]. ***Cobalt(コバルト) [#q8c9ef39] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/bbdw3A7.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|823 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Extraction&br;Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech&br;Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Cobalt, Co, atomic number 27. Melting point 1768K. Traditionally used as a blue colouring, but now mainly used for creating high temperature alloys. Also has biotech applications. ***Copper(銅) [#raa8a1ee] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/hnBtweA.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|570 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Copper, Cu, atomic number 29. Melting point 1358K. A highly ductile lustrous red-orange metal, with good thermal and electrical conductivity. Used broadly by industry as a cheap conductor and in many alloys. It is also used in biotech and aquaculture especially in many extraterrestrial and hemocyanal species. ***Gallium(ガリウム) [#c416ed4b] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/4EhuzNW.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|5,426 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech&br;Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Gallium, Ga, atomic number 31. Melting point 303K. It is a soft silvery metal at human room temperature, but melts in the human hand. it is used as a key component in semiconductors, and in lasers. -Gallium is a specific item of Metals in the world of Elite Dangerous. -It is a good item to trade to high tech or industrial systems for a reasonable profit. ***Gold(金) [#a17fd3b8] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/nuT9alF.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|9,742 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Extraction&br;Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|・下記を除く全て&br;Agricultural&br;Refinery&br;Extraction&br;Military| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Gold, Au, atomic number 79. Melting point 1337K. A valuable precious metal, and because it is the most resistive metal to corrosion, is widely used in jewelry and luxury goods and for contact pads in electronics. ***Hafnium 178(ハフニウム178) [#zec52cad] //&ref(http://i.imgur.com/U1GtJ2M.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|66,000 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|不明| |消費ステーションタイプ|不明| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|不明| ・ゲーム内解説:Hafnium 178m2, Hf, atomic number 72. This nuclear isomer has the potential to unleash enormous quantities of gamma radiation, making it an excellent ingredient for use in devastating weapons of mass destruction. As a result Hafnium 178 is a highly controlled substance that is universally illegal to own without special dispensation. -Hafnium 178 is a specific commodity item of Metals in the world of Elite Dangerous. -It cannot be found on markets. The only way to find some is by attacking Federal and Imperial convoys that may hold some. These convoys usually carry only one ton of hafnium they do and will be heavily protected. ***Indium(インジウム) [#r257e5d2] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/U1GtJ2M.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|6,175 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech&br;Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Indium, In, atomic number 49. Melting point 429K. Used industrially and high tech for a wide range of alloys, including superconductors, sensors and holo projectors. ***Lanthanum(ランタン) [#l11a6954] //&ref(http://i.imgur.com/87j2cDS.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|9,125 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery&br;(地表面)| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Lanthanum, La, atomic number 57. Melting point 1193K. is a soft metallic element used as an additive in glass. It's properties make it ideal for optical communications systems, other lighting applications and as a catalyst for various refining processes. -Lanthanum is a new commodity introduced in the v1.5 [[ships update]]. ***Lithium(リチウム) [#a422e157] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/87j2cDS.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|1,749 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech&br;Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Lithium, Li, atomic number 3. Melting point 453K. A silvery white alkali metal used by industry in ceramic production, and in electronic devices for energy storage. Before the advent of direct brain treatments it was used to treat human mental disorders in early history. ***Osmium(オスミウム) [#d19d3397] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/8THEmdz.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|7,031 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|?| |消費ステーションタイプ|?| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|?| ・ゲーム内解説:Osmium, Os, atomic number 76, melting point 3306K. A very hard bluish-white metal. Provides extreme durability even at high temperatures, and is a valuable constituent in specialist alloys. ***Palladium(パラジウム) [#vd59b69f] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/CIhmYWS.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|13,527 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Extraction| |消費ステーションタイプ|・下記を除く全て&br;Agricultural&br;Refinery&br;Extraction&br;Military| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Palladium, PD, 46. Often used in electronics and for purifying noxious gasses. ***Platinum(プラチナ:白金) [#p52d1922] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/YQFwXv8.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|18,809 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery(&color(Red){*手に入れるには自身で抽出する必要がある};)| |消費ステーションタイプ|・下記を除く全て&br;Agricultural&br;Refinery&br;Extraction&br;Military| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Platinum, Pt. atomic number 78. Melting point 2,041K. A grey-white precious metal used as a catalyst within many industrial processes, in addition to its value in electronics and luxury goods because of its resistance to corrosion. ***Silver(銀) [#m5e053b9] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/xRP51xN.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|5,088 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Extraction&br;Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|・下記を除く全て&br;Agricultural&br;Refinery&br;Extraction&br;Military| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Silver, Ag, atomic number 47. Melting point 1234K. A precious metal valued in jewelry. It also has many useful industrial properties being the best electrical and thermal conductor of any metal, and also the most reflective, and so is widely used in high tech applications, either in its pure form or alloyed with other metals. ***Tantalum(タンタル) [#gf79f792] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/A0XVEnw.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|4,196 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech&br;Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Tantalum, Ta, atomic number 73. Melting point 3290K. Used to make capacitors and high melting point alloys used in reactors and by the military for specialist alloys used in weapons for armour penetration. ***Thallium(タリウム) [#yfcc74e8] //&ref(http://i.imgur.com/QrAvN5V.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|3,937 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery&br;(地表面)| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Thallium, Tl, atomic number 81. Melting point 577K. is a post-transition metal. It has a number of technological uses including medical imaging, infra-red optics and high temperature super conductivity. -Thallium is a new commodity introduced in the v1.5 [[ships update]]. ***Thorium(トリウム) [#w05f5d25] //&ref(http://i.imgur.com/QrAvN5V.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|11,860 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery&br;(地表面)| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Thorium, Th, atomic number 90. Melting point 2023K. A radioactive actinide metal. It was once used in ancient fission reactions. It is still used by some medical technology and as a component in advanced ceramics. -Thorium is a new commodity introduced in the v1.5 [[ships update]]. ***Titanium(チタン) [#ca2221b7] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/QrAvN5V.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|1,154 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech&br;Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Titanium, Ti, atomic 22. Melting point 1941K. A lustrous, silver-grey, low density, high strength metal that is used in a great many industrial applications, including high spec spacecraft hulls. ***Uranium(ウラン) [#v586db9e] &ref(http://i.imgur.com/Bd3CGJa.png,70%); |BGCOLOR(#400):COLOR(#FFF):|BGCOLOR(#ddd):|c |銀河標準価格|2,869 CR| |闇市場標準価格|? CR| |製造ステーションタイプ|Refinery| |消費ステーションタイプ|High Tech&br;Industrial| |禁制品扱いになるステーションタイプ|無し| ・ゲーム内解説:Uranium, U, atomic number 92. Melting point 1405K. Uranium is a silvery grey metal, usually found as a mix of isotopes, mostly U238, and typically less than 1% of the radioactive U235. As a whole it is only weakly radioactive. it is chemically toxic but useful element in industry, mainly because of its density. In early human history it was used as a power source in fission reactors. Standard canisters offer sufficient protection from the low level of radiation.