SLAVERY(登録奴隷) のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3)

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交易商品「 SLAVERY(登録奴隷)」商品個別詳細データ


*商品ジャンル情報 [#i1c82bae]



**個別商品情報 [#ie8b2123]
***Imperial Slaves(帝国奴隷) [#v49485e8]
//ALERT: Imperial Slaves are illegal in most systems outside of the Empire.
|銀河標準価格|16,485 CR|
|闇市場標準価格|? CR|

 ・ゲーム内解説:Slavery is an important part of Imperial Society, providing labour for the Empire and a safety net for it's citizens. Many Imperials will choose to sell themselves into a fixed period of slavery than face the embarrassment and dishonour of living with a debt.
//Only legal on imperial worlds or dicatorships and patronage style governed markets.
//Slavery is an important part of Imperial Society, providing labour for the Empire and a safety net for it's citizens. Many Imperials will choose to sell themselves into a fixed period of slavery than face the embarrassment and dishonour of living with a debt.

『Imperial Slaves(帝国奴隷)』とは、E:D世界における登録奴隷の特定項目です。
-『Imperial Slaves(帝国奴隷)』とは、E:D世界における登録奴隷の特定項目です。

//Imperial Slaves is a specific item of Slavery in the world of Elite: Dangerous.
//They are legal across most of the Empire, but export of slaves outside the Empire is restricted by order of the Senate[1]. Imperial slavery is currently opposed by Stop Slavery Stupid, a non-government organization supported by Aisling Duval[2].

//Remember, there is a difference between Imperial Slaves and Slaves.

//Use EDDB to find the nearest system with this commodity.
//As with other parallels between the Empire and Ancient Rome, Imperial slavery appears to be based on ancient Roman slavery, including debt slavery. 

***Slaves(奴隷) [#kba71eff]
//ALERT: Slaves are illegal in most systems.

|銀河標準価格|11,107 CR|
|闇市場標準価格|? CR|

 ・ゲーム内解説:Bonded men and women. Almost universally illegal and shunned by most civilized nations. Great efforts have been made to stamp out this trade in misery, however a few markets remain open.
//Bonded men and women. Almost universally illegal and shunned by most civilized nations. Great efforts have been made to stamp out this trade in misery, however a few markets remain open.

-名目上「規制」を受けている帝国星系群と違って、「帝国領域外」での奴隷制は『悪弊』に定義されてるように思われるが、各星系毎に異なる場合もあります。&br;一部の奴隷たちは、『[[占有脱出ポッド>Occupied Escape Pod]]』の闇市場(Black Market)取引での結果による可能性があります。

//Slaves are a specific item of Slavery in the world of Elite: Dangerous.
//Unlike the nominally-regulated Imperial system, slavery outside the Empire appears to be ill-defined and may differ from one system to another. Some slaves may be a result of black-market trading in Occupied Escape Pods. 
//Remember, there is a difference between Slaves and Imperial Slaves. 

//***Alliance Slaves(同盟奴隷)
//|銀河標準価格|? CR|
//|闇市場標準価格|? CR|
// ・ゲーム内解説
//『同盟奴隷』は一応ネタですw 編集時のコピペ用などに

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