チュートリアル攻略 のバックアップ(No.22)


Ver 2.4時点での内容に掲載情報の差し替えました。動画はver2.2時点のものです。



ゲーム内概要 Edit

⑤DRAKE VISIONをターゲット出来たら①~③のボタンを使って近くに行きましょう。

[英語音声意訳]日本語字幕付きプレイ動画 Edit


トーク原文[ver2.4] Edit

Hey...pilod...do you read me?
You look like you've got yourself in a fix.
Your ship's so dead in the water I almost mistook it for one of these asteroide.

Let me launch a repair drone to see if I can fet thae crate back online.

Lucky Ishowed up when I did.
You wouldn't last long out here in your current predicament.
Okay,your power's back up and running.
Some control systems are still off line but you should have basic drive functionality now.
You might want to check that your throttle is still working.
Go ahead and set your throttle,Commander.
Take your time,pilot.
It's not like I have anything more important to do.

That's result!
We might just get this rust bucket space-worthy.
Drone repair sequence is still running on your ship.
You're lucky I had these things-they're not what you'd class as standard equipment.
Your attitude controls should now be active.
See if you can pitch your ship up and down.

Give it go.
Are you still there?
Am I talking to myself?

Let's see if we can get you rolling again...
Okay,youshould be able to give it a try now.
Spin your ship on its central axis using your roll controls.

What are you doing in there?
I don't have all day,pilot.

Good job,Commander.

One final axis of control and you should be good to go.
Yaw is back online now.

Why don't you try pivoting your ship from side to side.
Any time today would be nice...

That's it,Commander.
It would appear you have a semi-operational Sidewinder on your hands.
I wouldn't take any chances though,so you'd best get that ship into dock for repairs.

There's an outpost neatby, see if you can make it there .
I guess now might be a good time to introduce myself!!

The name's Blaine.
I'm something of a...
freelancer in these parts.
You know, this could be a lucky break for the both of us.
I've been looking for a business partner;
someone to help me with some potentially lucrative ventures.
And you neer someone to take you under their wing.
Show your the ropes, so to speak.

Ihave to say, it,s not often I help out strangers like this, so I think you owe me one.
The least you could do is buy me a Lavian Brandy.


ゲーム内概要 Edit


 (ENTER HANGARメニューを選択します)
  LEAVE STATION…この時間以内に出なければなりません)
⑥FSD(Frame Shift Drive)でスーパークルーズしてみましょう。
  AZEBAN CITYは輸送先のステーションという設定です。)
⑪AZEBAN CITYの1000km以内に入ったらドロップアウトしましょう。
 AZEBAN CITYを選択すると、REQUEST DOCKINGというメニューが出てくるので選択します。
 (PROCEED TO LANDING PAD ?…?番パッドに着陸してください。

[英語音声意訳]日本語字幕付きプレイ動画 Edit



トーク原文[ver2.4] Edit

Hey,Commander, now it's time for you to help me out.
I need you to do a cargo run for me.
Orinarily I'd take care of this myself but I'm not on the best of terms with the security forces over in Aseban City, so you're going to have to take my place.
When you're ready,return to the surface to take your ship out of the hangar.

I'll keep in contract with you as you make your way there.

Okay,you're ready to launch.
Take her out,Commander.
This cargo won't deliver itself you know...
launch your ship,Commander.

By the way,try not to end up as wall decoration on your way out.
Okya.you're clear of the access corridor.
Your ship is still mass locked by the station.
Once you get beyond five kilometres,You'll be able to make the jump to supercruise.

Clear of mass lock,Commander.
You're good to charge up your frame shift dribe now.
Just hold on tight.

Great,your ship is in supercruise.
This is the best way to hop around a system,but you need to go a little bit further afield.
Start by plotting a route for the Eranin on your left hand NAV panel.
You won't get anywhere without punching in a destination first.Commander.
Right,now that your target is locked in,you're clear to make the jump to hyperspace.
Point your ship at the target and charge up your FSD.

Welcome to Eranin,Commander.
Just don'tshow any support for the Federation and you should get on fine with the locals.
My contact is over at Asevan City.
Try not to keep him waiting too long.
This guy gets a little twitchy if things don't run like clockwork.
Go ahead and select the station on your NAV panel and then use your compass,there on the left of your radar,toorient the ship towards the destination.
Just so you know,the compass indicator will show up as a solid dot when you're pointing towards your target and hollow when you're facing away from it.
Supercruise approach can be tricky.
Commander,so you'll want to keep an eye on your distance,speed and alignment at the bottom left of your cockpit display.
Once you're within a thousand kilmetres form your target, and going less than a thosand kilometres per second,you should be sage to drop out.
If you keep your speed in the blue zone you'll be less likely to overshoot your mark,but if you do,you can always loop back around and try again.

Within drop out range now.
Disengage supercruise.
You made it!
Be sure to request docking before you enter the station.
Flight controllers take their jobs very seriously and tend to get upset if you start trespassing.

You still haven't rewuested permission to dock,Commander.

You're clear for approach,Commander.
Just don't forget to deploy your landing gear.
You won't be putting that ship on the deck without your landing gear.
I'd recommend you deploy it.

Be careful passing through the access corridor,Commander.
And try to avoid head on collisions with exsiting ships.

That cargo needs to get there in one piece.

Good,you're in.

You'll wanna regulate your speed as your approach the landing pad,oh and pay attention to the docking assistance display.
You'll need to make sure your ship is facing away from the entrance,and that you're dentred above the landing pad before you touch down.
Remember,you can use vertical and lateral thrust if you need to refine your movement.

Nice job.
I just might be able to depend on you after all.

I'll be calling on your services again I'm sure.

Till next time,Commander.


ゲーム内概要 Edit


⑥Fire groupを2に切り替えよう。
  Fire group1…主武器:マルチカノン 副武器:無し
  Fire group2…主武器:マルチカノン 副武器:パルスレーザー)




トーク原文[ver2.4] Edit

I've got tip off for you,Commander.
A potential bounty hunting opportunity.
The target should be passing through this sector soon.
Don't worry;you'll be able to handle this.
There he is - right on time.
Don't get too excited though,before you engage you need to make sure he still has as bounty on his head.

Target his ship to scan him.
The nonger you wait,the moreyou lose the element of surprise,Commander.

He's definitely your mark.

Time to deploy your hardpoints,Commander.
How do you expect to beat him?
Harsh language?
Deploy your weapons,pilot!

Weapons hot.
Concentrate your primary fire on the target,Commander.
Your little friend here has a combat rank of harmless.
Seems to have left the hangar without any shields,so you should be able to make light work of him.

Just a few hits should do it,Commander.
You've got this one.
Nice work,Commander.
You're about three thousand credits richer.
Bad news is, it looks like his buddy is out for rebenge.
This target might put up more of a fight,so I'd say more fire power is in order.
Switch to your secondary fire group to bring your pulse laser online.
It would be much easier to dispatch this target with some pulse lasers.
Switch your fire group.

Use your pulse lasers to deplete the enemy's shields.
When their shield generator is offline,open fire with your multi-cannon to do some serious hull damage.

To really gain the upper hand in combat,use the ship's power distribution to its full potential.
Shifting the power between systems,engines and weapons will mean you have power where you needit,when you need it.
This target won't put up much of a fight, so I'd suggest you put full pips to weapons.
I'm impressed Commander.

Just remember,it pays to know your enemy.
Not all targets will crumble so easily so I'd suggest you choose your fights wisely.


ゲーム内概要 Edit

(最初の敵は攻撃してこないので、KILL WARRANT SCANERの使い方と魚雷撃つのにやってもいいかもしれません。

  KILL WARRANT SCANERを使うと、全世界で懸けられてる賞金も探せます。
  これは相手を堕とす前に、KILL WARRANT SCANしておかないといけません)
 (敵を視界内に納めつつ、KILLWARRANT SCANERでバーが最大になるまで)



トーク原文[ver2.4] Edit

Bounty hunting can be a lucrative business Commander...if you're willing to put up with the occupational hazards.
You've got a wanted target up ahead.
If I'm right,this one should have a hefty bounty on their head in a neighbouring system.
Target their ship and move within scanner range.
Then use your kill warrant scanner to check if they're wanted elsewhere.
If the are,you'll be rewarded with a few more bounety bouchers to cash in.
Scan the target,Commander.
There could be some credits to be made here.

Good job.
As I suspected,this guy is a bit of a troublemaker.

You know what to do,Commander.
Take'em out.
You'll want to plan your attack carefully.
Make sure to use your fire groups for quicklu switching between dirredent weapon configurations.
Remember,it's best to wait till their shields are offline before hitting them with your missiles.

Target is down.

Don't celebrate just yet though,Commander.
You've got multi;le hostiles inbound to your location.

This is far from over...
Pay attention to your radar to get a feel for where your targets are.
Keeping them out of your blind spots is always a good plan.
If you find yourself caught up in the fray,switch your fire group and deploy chaff as a countermeasure.

This will prebent gimballed weapons getting a lock on you for a short period.
That's some good shooting,Commander.
All targets have been dispatched.

Keep this up and you'll habe attained Elite status before you know it.

コメント Edit

最新の10件を表示しています。 コメントページを参照 画像を非表示

  • 最新バージョンでチュートリアル内容が大きく変わってる -- Kumahan117? 2017-04-01 (土) 17:26:35
    • ゲーム内でのチュートリアル変更内容を確認致しました。順次掲載動画の収録と差し替えを行いますので、これから参考になさるCMDRの皆様も作業完了までお待ち頂く用お願いします。 -- 管理人? 2017-04-08 (土) 13:32:52
  • 英語はそれなりにわかるけど、説明も何も出ないのでどうしていいかすらわからない。
    これは無理 -- 2017-04-16 (日) 22:02:02
  • 正直チュートリアルは上から1番目と2番目さえ出来れば本編に移っても問題ないよ -- 2017-11-26 (日) 18:33:43
  • 文字化けしててどのキー押せば良いかわからない現象が起きてて詰んでる -- 2018-01-06 (土) 16:59:45
  • DOCKING AND TRAVEL TRAININGの工程で、⑬のランディングギアを出す所で出せない場合、スロットル0じゃないと出ないのでしょうか?
    ポートの真上で静止はしていない状態でランディングギアが出てこず、胴体着陸して地面をサーフィンする羽目になりました…… -- 2018-02-05 (月) 06:49:11
    • ポート→着陸パッドでした。失礼しました。 -- 2018-02-05 (月) 06:51:05
    • とりあえずスロットルをゼロにする必要はないと思います。(少なくともチュートリアル外ではそんな縛りないです)
      ちなみに、ランディングギアは、ボタンおしてもギアのデプロイ完了まで5秒くらいのタイムラグありますよ。 -- 2018-02-05 (月) 11:10:26
  • 質問させてください。ステーションへの離発着が「AUTO」になっているのですが、これを手動にする方法がわかりません。チュートリアルは手動だったと思います。よろしくご教授願えればと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。 -- 2019-05-02 (木) 17:52:26
    • 何故チュートリアル攻略での質問なのにチュートリアル外の質問になってるか分からないが恐らく機体にDocking Computerが搭載されているのだろう?モジュール欄で出来るならoffにしたりドックで売ってしまえば良いんでは? -- 2019-05-02 (木) 18:52:11
      • コメントありがとうございます。手動での離発着でチュートリアルを行い、(別に難しい操作ではないのですが)それなりにときめいておりました。ところがいざシングルプレイを始めたところオートのみになってしまっていたので「あれ?オートなんてあるんだね@@というかむしろ手動の選択肢がない(涙)」という流れだったのでした。遊び始めてまだ間もなく、初期船に特段なんらかの装備を追加した記憶もないのですが、一度調べてみたいと思います。ありがとうございました☆ -- 2019-05-06 (月) 07:49:55
      • アップデートで初心者救済措置があったはずなのでそちらの影響の可能性もありますのであしからず。 貴方に良いCMDR生活がありますように! -- 2019-05-06 (月) 15:41:21
  • チュートリアルの始め方がわかりません。てかステーションの中にはどうやって戻るんですか?あとなんか発砲したらなんか警告っぽい文字列表示されたんですけど... -- 2019-07-10 (水) 22:03:25
    • ・チュートリアルの開始の仕方はまずコックピット画面で4キーを押して右パネルを開き、出てきたパネルの中の「TRAINING」を選択します。その後「TRAINING SIMULATIONS」を選択し、受けたいチュートリアルを選択したら「START TUTORIAL」でチュートリアルが始まります。
      ・ステーションの周囲は射撃禁止ゾーンとなっています。 -- 2019-07-12 (金) 22:01:44
  • MINIG TRAININGでコクピットモードの切り替えの為にMキーを押せと出るのですが押しても何も起こらずに一生採掘できません?なんだこれ -- 2020-12-08 (火) 20:44:34
    • 日本語キーボードだとキーが対応してない為、現状日本の方はチュートリアル突破不可能です。対応を待ちましょう -- 2020-12-08 (火) 21:01:43
  • すみません、新人CMDRです。チュートリアルを行おうと思ったところ、項目が2つほど増えているのを確認しました。内容はSRVの操作と艦載機に関してでした -- 2021-05-15 (土) 19:52:10
  • チュートリアル?(一番左)をあらかた終わらせてもソロプレイやらオープンプレイができないんですけどどうすればいいですか? -- 2021-07-22 (木) 16:33:02

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