SLAVERY(登録奴隷) のバックアップ(No.1)
交易商品「 SLAVERY(登録奴隷)」商品個別詳細データ 商品ジャンル情報
34世紀の天の川銀河で未だに残る奴隷制度。殆どの星系で非合法扱いだが、彼らは生活困窮や職にあぶれるなどして …数年を契約派遣先で過ごす奴隷もいれば、人類覇権宙域を転々とする奴隷もいるという。 個別商品情報
Imperial Slaves(帝国奴隷)
ALERT: Imperial Slaves are illegal in most systems outside of the Empire.
・ゲーム内解説:Slavery is an important part of Imperial Society, providing labour for the Empire and a safety net for it's citizens. Many Imperials will choose to sell themselves into a fixed period of slavery than face the embarrassment and dishonour of living with a debt. 『Imperial Slaves(帝国奴隷)』とは、E:D世界における登録奴隷の特定項目です。 Slaves(奴隷)
ALERT: Slaves are illegal in most systems.
・ゲーム内解説:Bonded men and women. Almost universally illegal and shunned by most civilized nations. Great efforts have been made to stamp out this trade in misery, however a few markets remain open. 『Slaves(奴隷)』とは、E:D世界における登録奴隷の特定項目です。 |